Isn’t this just delightful!? He still bought me a bouquet. How could I not be so happy with these decorating my kitchen…and my heart.
Doug always makes such an effort to make Tatum and me feel so special. He does this also I think to role model for Tatum! I love this!
It was not the best of days for me in terms of health, but I still wanted to make it a special day…so I knew at least I could make a nice meal.
Doug also spoiled us with gifts and cards.

Sheesh.. I wish I “FELT” like the way he sees me> I’m so very blessed.
He also got me a new hair dryer. Now, one might think this is very UNromantic, but I beg to differ. This baby is a POWER HOUSE promising to make my hair so soft and voluminous. I’LL TAKE IT! Thank you so much HHH.
He also makes Tot laugh with his cute cards and fun stuffies!

No, Coop..not for you!
I made stuffed mozzarella meatballs with jicama and parsnip fries.

We watched EVER AFTER and enjoyed the romance (vicarously…sadly this year). I still feel loved and adored. For that, Doug wins the prize every day.
I love my family. xxoo