9 years ago TODAY, Tatum officially (by the state at least) became my official daughter. She has been with me since 3 months before her entry into this world, really, but we celebrate May 23rd anyway.
I had to go to a blood test early in the AM, so I took my “baby” with me. She has her baby, and she is mine (my little lovebug whose hand I can hold).
Tot is so generous. She knew I needed more water, so she ran inside, grabbed my water bottle and filled it. Then, she asked me if I liked her hat?
The test was so smooth…no pin cushioning today! Thank you dear little one.
She wore her love shoes today, but of course with her own special flair.

I took her to get a bagel sandwich before school since she was so helpful this morning.

I surprised her at school by picking her up early. We headed over to my favorite ice cream place! Been going there for 50 years!

Guess who was waiting when we arrived? Well you can just see. We all ordered the same thing, except Daddy had rocky road since his such a rock-solid guy!

Oh, it ended too fast!

Mama, thank you for joining us!

Tot and I went swimming after, and then met up at the island for a bit more LOVE celebration.
But first she had this to come home to in her bathroom. We love to communicate through LOVE notes. (Daddy too!)

More love shoes, sweet girl.

From the tips of your toes to the top of your head, I adore you.

Best gift, blessing ever. Tatum Hay.
A near second place of blessings is this little guy. We got him three years ago today.
COOPY, we love you.