Have you? What does it mean to have “fun”? When you are a kid, every question revolves around being able to answer this question: “Did you have F..U..N?” What age does that question become irrelevant? I have been schooled, and rightfully so, that having fun is a long term fallacy and that to have “fun” is a futile desire. It fades pretty quickly after the event, so instead, strive for more noble activities like reading or something enriching like that. Great point, but darn it, the fun factor has been erased from my vocabulary somehow.
Enter Tatum. Activities like placing mini pots and pans carefully on the floor and then arranging them, only to bang them later…like shaking your head, laughing and making faces…like standing on your head in a V position, like nesting cups and trying to make them fit in a new way, like pulling an obsolete dial phone and holding the receiver saying, “heeeh ro”…silly silly silly, but you’re having a BLAST!
Tatum has shown me that the smallest moments in life should be savored and enjoyed. Life gets so busy and sucks the passion out of minor events like taking an extra second and to give an eskimo kiss and laughing hysterically. It has been proven that laughing is like taking a daily vitamin; it’s healthy and good for you! Plus, “A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” (Prov 17:22) God knows what he is talking about.
Kid or no kid, life is to be savored, soaked up and absorbed. Without making the most out of each moment and having some good ol’ fashion fun, then one is just going through the motions to make the time go by faster to get to the next “thing” which is fleeting fleeting fleeting.
I love you Tater Tot. Thank you for helping me find a laugh in so many rediscovered joys (as I stand on my head!) 🙂