This is probably going to be my motto for this year. WHY? Because now I have context for what is a little moment. I used to “poopoo” little moments and brush them off as insignificant. The mundane. The waking up and saying GOOD MORNING to the birdies outside. The walking of the dog and seeing a bevy of quail. The kissing my daughter and her Amarillo in the morning and seeing them cuddle. The hubby making a delicious cup of coffee for me first thing. The ability to make new recipes in my kitchen to please my family daily. I could go on. They were ALL taken for granted in the past. Ho Hum..boring. Mundane daily tasks.
Now, I’m realizing that the daily grind is actually where you find the winks of God and the miracles of HIS creation. You see rainbows, flowers, mountains, birdies, people of all colors and sizes….and on and on. You have family, friends, relationships that are building…. you have new podcasts and learning each day from mistakes and from what may have been needed to understand. It’s all a NEW experience which cannot be overlooked. Also, you have the unplanned, inconvenient happenings that occur daily which may be exactly what we need and how He gets our attention.
So is what I gave Tatum on August 22nd; the phone call day.
Our days might not be filled with rollercoasters, trips to Antarctica or even the beach, fancy restaurants and getting all dressed up.
BUT, they are filled with family.
Even if they are feathered …..

And fluffy!

Amen. Gratitude.