Remember the analogy of the frog placed in warm water. You slowly increase the temperature of the water, and he barely notices the change. It’s very subtle. However, eventually, he boils to DEATH. Yes, death. That, sadly, is what is happening to our world.
Oh, do I sound like an old fuddy duddy? Probably! But, I’m fine with that.
You see, you cannot escape the message that “you have to accept how we live” even if it is against God’s ways. But then if you say, “God ordained marriage to be between a man and a woman,” you are called a hater and a bigot. If we as Christians don’t accept one’s lifestyle, are we really hating them? Or are they hating us because we have a value system based on a rock solid truth. A truth based on how one feels is not a truth at all. So, throughout our culture now, if two women want to get married, we should just say, “OK, no big deal…they love each other.” True…they do love each other, but it still is not the way God intended. It’s ALL OVER media (TV shows, movies, social media)….women have wives and men have husbands. It’s just part of all the shows and movies now as if it were “normal.”
Case in point. CHILDREN’S BOOKS….
You heard me.
Tatum is reading a book right now that she saw at Barnes and Noble; it’s part of a series, and it seemed pretty harmless.
It was at her level, so I had no problem her buying it. Well, today, she was reading Chapter four, and she STOPPED MID PARAGRAPH.
Tatum: I’m not reading this book anymore.
Me: Why? What’s wrong with it.
Tatum: The librarian has a wife.
Me: The librarian is a man probably.
Tatum: Nope, read.

And there it is: Mrs. Havener, the librarian is very proud of her “wife’s” knitting.
Just subtly put within the paragraph. Any kid would read this and not think twice…just “normal.” That is what society is doing…normalizing this. Next thing you know, it’s just part of the way things are, and we just accept it.
Tatum, I’m so proud of your principles. I had nothing to do with your decision to stop reading this book.
May the frog be removed from the water! Help. us. Lord.