What lights up my life? Jesus presence throughout my day. The Holy Spirit give me power with HIS presence in my heart. I feel loved and hugged. However, God also provides people to give us human representation of HIS love. My hubby is one such LIGHT in my life.
Currently we are taking a Grace Marriage class at SBC. We will meet four times this year. At the beginning of class, we had to fill out these questions about our spouse.
This lights up my heart. These are treasures for me. He doesn’t keep these things secret either, edifying me in public. What a blessing. How did I get to be so blessed? Beautiful? He makes me feel this way even when I don’t.

Here is mine.

Well, This little gal also lights up my life. She is a little Jesus! Throw in the goofy too.

Thank you Chick-fil-a for providing the goof tool.
The analogy of our house being lit up reminds me of how we can be lights to this world. I pray for that daily.
Just look at this amazing tree lit up at night!

May we be like this gorgeous, delicate yellow flower and stand tall and bold in a broken world…..during the day

and at night.