Oh, the mornings. I just love them. We always have a nice breakfast and enjoy the little Coopy. We also pray, read the devotion, and spend time conversing about how we can SHINE today.

During the week, Mrs. Phillips brought Tatum to the car. Every day, she would say Tatum is truly a leader in the class. She is kind and helps. Now, the leader part can be a negative if she is doing the wrong thing. So, we talk about using this gift for good. How would Jesus act?
One of the cool things they did in the week was make a Friendship Fixer Journal.

Look at the wonderful way they work things out with each other. I also LOVE Tatum’s drawings. She captures the emotions. Being proactive…going to the friend. This is being a peacemaker.

She also had to stay home one day just because she didn’t feel well. They take her temperature when she gets to school, and it was at 99.9. This warranted her to stay home to be on the safe side. She spent the day drawing, reading, and building. My kind of day as she made the most of it!

It’s such a blessing to have her back in school. I will continue to pray for you, Tot. To be a leader, to be kind, and to be the biggest servant!