Keeping up with the Tater tot


IMG_4107How do I keep up with this inquiring mind and voracious appetite for learning? I have noticed that her play area (s) is filled with toys from when she was only 4-6 months old. It’s time to rotate and learn what she can thrive on. Yes, I have been given some amazing toys and gadgets, but I need to understand what is age appropriate and opportunistic for learning. Plus, when she is in her lobster, she gets bored easily, and I want her to learn to entertain herself instead of relying on everyone around her to keep her entertained. (Although she does recover quickly and make the most of her time)

I scoured blogs and various mommy sites to see what is working for others out there (Thank goodness for other minds since I’m clueless!) Then, I decided to create little “boxes” for each area of the house and just rotate, adding new toys as she grows. Some things I have around the house!
Here are some ideas I discovered:
1. Tape down some wax paper on the island (while she is in her lobster) and let her fingerpaint with pudding or yogurt. I can also tape down paper and get some crayons teaching her to draw!

2. Various puzzles and nested cups keep her occupied and teach her spatial relationships.

3.Empty mini boxes and bandaid boxes. Plus I can add stickers and let her learn to stick things! I figured mini-post-it note tabs too.

4. I am going to make some playdough which does not require cooking: flour, salt, oil and water and food coloring. She can make shapes and I can give her some pasta to make designs.

5. Various mini-pots and pans with lids, whisks, spoons…etc.

6. One of my old purses with lots of zippers..fill with compact, plastic keys, mirror…She loves to rifle through my things!

I am adding to this every day! I have to continue to learn how to help her learn!! 🙂

Here are some of her boxes. I have a ways to go! Today, I am going to get some crayons and a few other accessories for her to play with!

IMG_4109 IMG_4116 IMG_4114 IMG_4113 IMG_4112 IMG_4111 IMG_4110Work in progress to keep up with the Tot!