I’m a big believer in having things visible; especially things we want to not only remember but stress.
For example, every day, I put out our white board with a plan for the day. It’s a visual reminder for what we will do that day, and honestly, a way for me to make sure Tatum accomplishes her tasks without nagging. All I say is, “Tatum did you check the board? or Tatum, what did I miss?”

Tatum added her own drawing. I love her artwork!
We also do teaching on the white board on Sundays. This last week, we taught how we want our family culture to include:
We will live this way in all areas of our life!

We also discussed how we can be an essential oil and be diffused in a room; we can be a sweet smelling element that invades to whole space!
(oh, the joy of my teaching years come in handy).
May we fill a room as a flower creates such joy.

Tatum, I know that you already do this, and God has such big plans for you.