My cousins, Kelly and Kasey, are remarkable people. Kelly settled down young by marrying James and having three kids. (Nyla, Morgan, and Levi). She homeschooled and dedicated herself to her family. What a beautiful family she has produced!!! Kasey, spent her time working and growing in scholarly pursuits, hobbies, and volunteer work. Not to mention, her career has taken off. Also, she married Deno. They both (K and K) are successful in their own way. I adore both of them!
I had the chance to spend the morning with Kasey on Thursday. We just connect so well because we have similar personality types being Type A and very driven. However, we both have softened so much in our older ages. It’s so fun to see us both grow in our walks with Christ and in our introspection of ourselves.
Kasey, you are a gem, and I am so grateful for you.
Tatum loves you so much and enjoyed the time she got to spend with you too.