Waiting in a pediatrician’s office for 30 minutes requires much creativity. I literally had her bag on the bench as she attempted to pull out all of the items as we waited patiently for Dr. Sotelo. She grabbed the Girls Rule book that a friend gave me. Perfect! She dived in
to attempt to
read taste it!
Whew! He showed, and we learned…How is Taters at 9.5 months??
She is only 16.8 lbs. This is about 15%ile. Now, her height??? Teeny girl! She is only 25.8 inches which is in the ONE %ile!!
It is time to venture out and give her meat now; what this looks like is now in a baby food jar. In a couple weeks, I can give her “table food.” I am supposed to know what this is. He says just give her bits of food. Huh? Bits of what? I need details. So, I am off to see a “day’s diet” for a 10 month year old.
Tonight, we tried sweet potato with chicken (compliment the Earth’s First chefs!) and she loved it. Add a few green bean pure ala Gerber, and you have a great meal. So, tomorrow? It’s time to shop the baby meat section. Sounds like an oxymoron.