Spending time with my longest best friend today was absolutely priceless. At one point, we were trying to count the years since we knew each other, and it was too long to acknowledge. However, the beautiful thing about seeing her was that she looks exactly the same, but even better. Her heart is so much bigger and she has the sweetest disposition. Perhaps having kids softens the heart and makes one more amiable.
This was the icing on the cake: Sharing our girls together. She has two of the most adorable girls who ADORE her! Introducing Tatum to Jocy made my heart sing because I am so in love with this Tot and sharing that with her made us even more closer. We “get” each other and “get” the IT! This is IT…It’s what we wait for…what we aim for…what we really want: to be the best mommy. And really, that is what we both share now. Jocy and I desire to be our own children’s best. That comes down to us understanding each other’s struggles, joys, and questions. I love it. I even go to Face Time with Elsa (her mom) and see her dad. He is as amazing and cute as ever! Elsa looks the same and oozes sweetness.
Tatum was absolutely on fire! We took her to the park after getting takeout Mexican food, and Tatum was just running around with such joy. Of course she had to stick her hand in the bag of chips only to try to force a wad into her mouth.
She possessed my water cup due to the power of the straw, and she decided it was OK to run AWAY from mommy.
“Give me that phone!”
Now try and get me
Oh, the joy of discovery (and chasing.)
Thank you sweet forever friend for making my day…making my Tatum’s day…and being a significant part of my journey through life. I cannot wait to visit you or see you soon! XOXO