Tatum and I are learning about money in new ways; savings, investing, giving and how SHE can be more involved.
I scheduled an appt with our finance guy to help us too. In the meantime, I mapped out some thoughts for her. I showed her she could put $100 in her mattress and in 5 months she’d have $500. But what about investing at a certain interest? Maybe 10%? in 50 years, she’d have $1.7M! We also talked about FIRST paying God and ourselves. Then what is left is for bills and discretionary (fun) which is not usually much! She’s seeing that for herself.

Also, we talked about different ways to make money. Earning, selling or stealing HA! We crossed that one out right!? heehee

I also talked about from my job…what we do with our lives, if you do what you love, the money follows. I didn’t do that from the ages of 20-30, but then I went into what I loved after that, and the money has just happened. Great discussion!
As far as testing, her first not a bummer Summer test was on Friday. She had so much fun doing it! I think? A cappuccino always helps.

Thank goodness we have our pets to bring us joy too!

What a blessing, all the things that make up a day. The simplest are the best. I love you, dear girl.