Introducing Jesus Birthday (i.e. Christmas) to Tatum

How can I make meaning out of Christmas?
One day at a time!

Of course, she has seen the Christmas trees, Santa Claus, the decorations all over the city, but how can I get her to see the real reason? 

I decided to introduce her to the Nativity scene one piece at at time with the book, Christmas in the Manger.

Each page introduces a character at a time, so I figured I’d follow suit with the Little People Nativity scene.



The first day, I introduced to the donkeys. I have not shown her any other piece, promising her baby Jesus will be born pretty soon!

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The next day, I introduced the sheep. IMG_5994Each morning, she looks forward to what is next. So do I, actually! We are making it fun, and this is what she can enjoy about the reason for the season: Jesus coming to be celebrated at Christmas time! Happy Birthday is coming.