Incredible Tuesday!

The Incredibles came out last week. Well, Incredibles TWO!

The first one came out 14 years ago, and FINALLY the sequel returned. We went last week to see it, and ever since, Tatum and I have been doing everything Incredible. We especially like Jack Jack, the baby. His powers were revealed in the second one. I won’t spoil it, but it is heeeeeelarious. Let’s just say it involves him spontaneously combusting. He gives fits a new name.

So, we drew him.

With the help of and the McDonald’s figure.

I did my best too.

She’s got it down!!!

After we finished, we made a card for the teachers at PFT. It was our Incredible Tuesday, which meant we do a Random Act of Kindness.

We made them a card.

What do they need????

We’ll find out and buy it for them.

Supplies are always needed and in low supply.

It was Incredible, as always, with my Tot.