Rio joins us for brekkie as we get ready early to arrive at school. Her class has the honor of singing the National Anthem this morning at the flagpole.
Today also is the day of my dad’s death which was 14 years ago. It’s a somber day, but also a day of gratitude for all we have.
Such as this breakfast!
Can you say peanut buttah!? Throw in some bacon and berries, and you have a big fat winnah!

She’s also pretty darn cauuute!
The class walked to the pole, all ready to go!

Head of School Nyhardt read from Psalm 91. So beautiful that HE is Lord of all.

And the National Guard readied the glorious flag.

And they took it from there. Just wow.

Thank you for reminding us of the beauty of the freedoms we have in our country and for our gratitude in what we have. AMEN!