There’s a museum for that! It’s called the I.D.E.A museum, and oh does it live up to its name. When you first walk into the museum, there are multiple sized xylophones to bing and bong. It is tough to just get inside because these are so inviting.
When Doug, Tot and I arrived, we first discovered socks were needed for the “art” room. This was more like a tumble, rattle and roll around room. Not impressed here. However, Doug built, Tot climbed through and plopped down the blocks that Doug built. Just like the story says…they definitely needed to be built of stone and not cushions!
Next stop, the recycle art center. They have bins and bins of plastic scraps, egg cartons and water bottles. I attempted to make an aerodynamic race car with an egg carton part and plastic Downey lids, and to no avail…well, no strong glue..FAIL. Doug and Tot, however, cranked out a supersonic rocket made out of a paper towel roll. Who knew these could be so useful!?Then of course we had to add to our scrap fun by making something out of glitter glue, felt, popsicle sticks and confetti scraps.
It was hard to hide that RIGHT BEHIND us there was…the iPad invasion. Yes, many little seat with opportunities to draw. I said, “Two minutes” because Tot took to this like white on rice. What is it about these darn machines?
There was one cool part of the museum where they have an iPad set up in front of a “scene.” You create action figure legos, and then make a movie with the iPad. You pick the music etc..Then RECORD! She just wanted to hit the Music buttons.
Finally, I convinced her that we had to go have tea with the Mad Hatter.
I was lucky that I wore my glow in the dark electrified fluorescent shirt! We looked simply radioactive..and we even saved Humpty Dumpty.
We barely scratched the surface of this treasure of a place, as we just touched the surface of the train exhibit. We are definitely going back to make art out of scraps, dine with Alice, build a train or two, and just have some creative fun.
Thanks for taking pictures, Doug!