She wanted to go shopping to buy lip gloss, and for her birthday, she wants a purse. (so she can carry all the necessary items: Books, lip gloss, journal, pens, crayons….ok, not probably not those anymore…heeheee) Also, earrings are important now.
She also asked when boys start noticing girls. winkwink
Questions abound! The little QT pie is growing up. So we went to Walgreen’s to peruse. Yes, peruse the “starter” lip glosses. These would be “Wet n Wild” because they are like $2.99. The “expensive” ones are like $14. This is Walgreen’s expensive. This is not “Nordstrom” expensive. Those MAC lipsticks are starting in the $30’s. Aye!

She is so pretty. And, she’s the kind of pretty she doesn’t know she’s so pretty. This is the more dangerous kind of pretty because of her humility.

Strap your seatbelts, folks. The 11’s are upon us!