I love this day; we do this once a month, second Monday for dinner. I have to admit, this month, I had mostly ideas for Tot and me for summer instead of family items. But, the point was to just come to dinner with ideas you have been collecting all month and share!
They could be ideas about our home, our family (trips, connections, games..), inventions…whatever! There is no such thing as a bad idea. Just ideate!
First I had to come up with a fun dinner idea. Pork roast, roasted veggies, and a nice salad. This would be delicious! Then, I wrote my loves a poem to set the mood. Now, little did I know that Tatum would have some great news to share with Daddy at dinner. AND little did I know I would too! Stay tuned.
Cooper wanted to be a part of the dinner. As I prepared, he just looked from yonder. Play with me?

Oh, Coopy..

Dinner was a delight! When we first sat down, (In the dining room..woot woot!) I gave them a little poem I wrote.

Each one had a different last stanza. Love my Hay family.
Then, we surprised Daddy with some Tot endeavors.
#1: She got 100% on her tests last week

#2: She moved into the ONE minute club in Math.

#3: She graduated from LOBSTER in swimming. Now she is in Hammerhead! (this is the competitive league at Hubbard!!!)

In 4th grade, she’ll be ready for the swim team at PVCP!!
Then, I had some good news of my own. I had applied for the highest ranking Professor at GCU. I didn’t expect to get it, but I hoped I’d get Associate. Guess what?

“On behalf of your college, the dean, and myself, congratulations on the new rank of Senior Adjunct Professor! The documentation and portfolio process are rigorous and demonstrate your commitment to continuing your development as a teacher, mentor, and scholar. Thank you for your continued dedication to our students and the mission of Grand Canyon University.”
So, as you can see, we all had some good news.
Now it was time for our IDEAS to flow.
Tot began.

Tatum always includes a drawing with her ideas. Golf outing, here we come.
Next, Daddy!

He always always has stellar ideas. No pun intended with his space flight contributions. Case in point: Kite flying!? I mean, how fun is that idea!!!?
Hiking….lighting…building. We are DOING these!
Mine? Well, they are summer-bound ideas. Each day of the week, we will plan around the theme. Of course we will do some academics first, but then, the theme of the day! We’ll include a service project each week; we’ll do a dinner or two each month to serve someone, and….we’ll create. Yes, we’ll create! I also want to get Tatum signed up for the choir at SBC. Again, these are all just ideas. They are not commitments (yet!)

So, come May, we’ll do it again. From March, we did do many of Tot’s ideas, and Doug did embark on many of his. We did go on some of the outings I wanted to do. I love doing this to keep our juices flowing and fruity!
LOVE the HAY family!