We love these second Mondays!

Salmon, parsnip fries with honey mustard sauce and salad!

First, we always start our dinners with our gratitudes for the day.
Then, Tatum went first. She only had 2 ideas, but she wanted to focus on her and Daddy’s time together when I’m away next week.

She started Karate on Thursdays; done! Now she wants to do a bracelet contest. She’s also brainstorming ideas for her and Daddy.

She and Daddy are on the same page because he did the same!

Whatcha think, Daddy?
Now what did he ideate?

He always has food ideas for me! I gave him an acrostic. SO TRUE!
Tot got one too!

Now, what did I do?

The cool thing about these nights is we take them to heart, and we implement our ideas. Some of my ideas have already happened.
More to come in Feb!