Eleven months we have done this! WOW!
Tonight did not disappoint.
Started out with a new game: Unstable Unicorns. Made by the same people as Exploding Kittens but much kinder and gentler. Our heart rate isn’t soaring during the game like with the Kitten game.

Tot took the prize tonight with getting 7 unicorns in her stable. Good start to dinner!

Well, salmon and buttered parmesan spaghetti squash is the menu tonight. Tot and Daddy got a little acrostic card.

We are ready!

Tot shared first. Some ideas got repeated since we STILL need to do them.
I love her ideas for family….games, cooking, competing!
(BTW, I gave her a “squirrel pad” to record ideas when she is at school. I have one by my workspace so I can write down anything that comes to mind as I work (you know those “squirrel” moments!

Of course…

Yes He does, TOT!
Doug’s ideas are always wonderful too. House inspirations and family ideas.

I like that he never forgets to include activities for our family to grow closer. PLEASANT WEEK! Let’s repeat.

And mine…I am all about the menu and family ideas. (some of mine are just for me and 2022…like the commonplace journal idea. Stay tuned).

What a great dinner. Stay tuned for implementation!