First, I made Tatum some X and O pancakes.
She gobbled them up. They were made with love of course. She had to finish her homework during breakfast since she spent the night before with Daddy for Daddy/Daughter Date night. They had a glorious time at the park as usual.

I love when they spend time together. Heart bursts all over!
Tatum’s school had Grandparents Day so she had a chance to seranade Mama.

MOM LOVED IT and said Tot was the most animated up there. No shocker there!
Anyway, I also surprised Doug with a little goodie in his lunch with a love card. He loved it, and he then outdid himself with a few surprises for me when he got home. Actually, he had goodies for all of us!
He knows how to spoil his girls.

Tatum had spent the day also getting the table ready. She cut out all kinds of hearts for the table.

I loved getting the table ready for my honey too!

It definitely became more beautiful with his flowers (added later). We had a great time playing games and laughing. Of course, we had to play some TobyMac as well.
I loved my cards and flowers.
Tot LOVED her goodies as well. What’s inside???
Oh WOW! Robbie the Robot is a new joy to our home.
And notice that gorgeous bouquet in the background.

He even spoiled my mom with some love!

I married a good man who knows how to make the women in his life feel special.