This has been her mantra for the past couple of weeks.
She is begging for a History Textbook for her birthday; and it hasn’t just been a one time ask. It’s an over and over daily ask. So…we’ll see! This is the one she wants.

She has been reading as many books as she can get her hands on too…George Muller, Corrie Ten Boom, C.S. Lewis.

Reading C.S. Lewis, this has inspired her to write her own history story. Here is the beginning:
Back in Bible times ,by Tatum Hay , an inspiration from God and the , Adventure’s In Odyssey, Bible . I feel that God is nudging me to write this book. November 19 , 2022 is when I started this book, at 8:28 pm. This book is for Stephanie Hay ( my beautiful mommy) , Doug Hay ( my handsome daddy) , Cooper Hay ( my fluffy dog) , Cheri Scharf ( my gorgeous grandma ) , and Coti Scharf ( my fluffy dog who went to see God ) . Table of contents,chapter 1 , Genesis,( a creation story of how the world really came to be) , chapter 2 , Exodus, ( a story of talking, slavery, and God ) , chapter 3 , Leviticus, ( offering’s, sacrifices, and God ) , chapter 4 , Numbers, ( a story about counting, camp , and God ) , chapter 5 , Deuteronomy , ( talking, spies, and wanders ) , chapter 6, Joshua , ( commands , orders, and spies ) , chapter 7, Judges,( fighting, Angels, judges) ,
Chapter 1 , Genesis.
Caleb stood in pitch black darkness, an endless void. Then a loud, strong voice boomed, “ let their be light “! Caleb squinted as light suddenly came over him. Caleb stood in total brightness . God called the dark void night, and the brightness day . But God did not stop their , as you think Caleb had no way to breathe. So the next day he made water , and sky. Then Caleb drank a lot of it. Then God made land, so now Caleb could walk. So then he made plants.
Then she added…..
History. Table of contents.
1 33 ADJesus dies and comes back to life
1.33 AD Jesus dies and comes back to life.
Peter stood at the bottom of Jesus’s cross. He could not bear to look up. All the preaching, and Him teaching Peter. Peter started crying, he could see Jesus look down at him. He knew that it was real. But it was really really hard. Peter stared as they stabbed Him with a big Speer. No! Jesus died! Peter started to move away from the crowed, he could not bear it. When he walked in his little hut his mom grabbed him and told him it would be okay.
An hour later they were moving to Egypt. It was all so real the wagon bumping across the rocks ,the walking sticks as they hiked along watching , sleeping on their heads in feet and rocks and sticks. Peter could not stand it ,he could not sleep or bear knowing that Jesus was dead. Rocks and fields were always coming towards him ,and he was always constantly crying or talking to Jesus in his head. But it was no use. One sunny day peter found himself being kidnapped, a black man in a black coat was kidnapping him! He could not move because the man was holding him so fastly all the time. Peter had long days and long nights in a cabin that the Man had. He was…..
She stayed up all night apparently working on it. I found her on the couch in the morning working more.
It was Sunday morning, and she had to get ready for church, so she put on this shirt:
“THE BEST DAUGHTER EVER” which is so true:

It’s so fun to watch this girl. What will God do with all of her gifts?