Once a month, Tot, Doug and I go to UMOM through Matthew 25 ministry at SBC. UMOM serves homeless families and we go to help pray and serve. This week, we did something different since we couldn’t go due to schedule conflicts.
Tatum and I drive by homeless people daily. Now, we don’t know if they are just panhandling or WHY they are asking for money, but it is not our job to know. It is our job to love them no matter their heart. Their motives are between them and God.
So, we decided to make homeless bags again, and Daddy helped us with the note.

We figured we’d put a note taped to a bottle of water and give them a granola bar.
The note would say: “YOU ARE LOVED.” On the other side: “Cast your anxieties upon the Lord because He cares for you.” (1Peter 5:7).

We hope it blesses them. We remain grateful for all we have, and to give others love is what we will always do.