At SBC these last few weeks (and the next few), Jamie is preaching on the 10 commandments. It is rock solid good teaching! This week did not disappoint. It was on commandment five: Honor Thy Father and Mother.
Well, with that, the children’s choir had recorded a song for this day. Oh wow. It was “There’s nothing that our God can’t do.”
Before service, as usual, we did our usual “greeting” duties. Tatum is truly famous at the early service among all the folks…most of them in the late 60’s and above. The usual crowd was there, but about 7:45am, in walks this man Bob and his wife Carol. Now, about two months ago, we met Bob at Einstein’s. He approached us because Tot and I were doing a devotion and she was reading the Bible to me. He was impressed! The next week, his wife Carol came, and she gave Tatum a rock. That inspired us to make our own rocks! What an impact they had! Well, they came to SBC this week, and their great grandchildren were getting dedicated. They go to PVCP! Small world! Then, in walks my dentist, Dr. Brannon. Bob and Carole are his in-laws. Holy cow. More crazy. The Butterfly effect! We are paying it forward by doing a rock ministry because of the kindness of these two.
The music began. There she is on the screen!

She’s praising HIM!!! Her heart is spirit filled.

There’s no power like the POWER OF JESUS!
Vera, a lady from our church whom we ADORE, took our picture while we were watching. Look at us! We are all so happy (AND PROUD OF HER) to see her up there on that screen. Tot loved seeing herself.

Pat Weide (Mom’s friend) texted me this:

Keep it up Tot. Your heart for Jesus SHINES like the SON!