It has been a “cozy” ride since we have been asked to stay home as much as possible due to the Coronavirus. The numbers of affected do continue to grow, but it seems to be leveling off. I pray this is the beginning of the end.
The effects of this have been astounding. One such effect I have noticed from “social distancing” has been so little human contact. When we stand in line for Trader Joe’s to get groceries, we are commanded to keep our distance. 6 feet please. So you have this massive line of people not even interacting. It’s frightful; I do know why, but it sure saddens me. In fact, today, our Pastor (we are watching our church SBC online) showed this graphic of what we are experiencing:

It’s not how we were created. We were created to be in community. But you’ll notice the symbols above used to be touching (this graphic is a lighthearted way to show this concept); the M was intact, the circles intertwined, the VW intersected. Now, it’s all disjointed, and we feel the distance from others. Healthy for our physical health, but for our mental health, NOT SO. (and spiritual health). We need each other.
OK….BUT, and this is a big BUT…. my family, my dear Tot and honey, we are homing so much more, and I love it. We miss seeing mom since we have to distance from her, but it will be better in a few weeks. Doug is working from home and Tot is schooling from home; I, on the other hand, have a bit more on my plate, but it’s worth it! It’s so fun to have Doug here, not having to commute so far.
Doug, Tatum, and I all work at the table. We did our taxes together, and Tot worked on her math facts flashcards. Like I said, it’s cozy. We probably don’t feel it now, but later on we’ll remember this time as special.

We will start a new week on Monday, and more online school. It’s going REALLY WELL, and I’m grateful for Mrs. Finnman and PVCP. On Friday, Tatum got to ZOOM conference with her buddies in class. Mrs. Finnman arranged it. SO fun for her.

We hope this will end soon, but in the meantime, we are savoring this special season.