Homework is FUNdamental

You see, it’s what we do. Right when we get home from school or whatever we have after school, we get right to it.

How do you incentivize a child to HOP TO IT? Ideally, I’m creating a habit: WORK FIRST then PLAY. So, I have to make it F.U.N.

Today, she had 100 problems to complete. At the end of each row, I had a little treat waiting. I mean, wouldn’t you do math in exchange for marshmallows and M and M’s?

Go TOT! Sometimes, she’d finish a row and SAVE the marshmallow to combine it with the M and M for a more delightful combo.

Almost finished, Mommy!

Ok, one more activity.

Tatum’s writing has been slowly getting better. It’s still not her best academic quality, but I see so much improvement since the summer!

She received a score today from her Christmas paragraph. I remember her doing this, and I did notice the challenge of words running together.

I even shared that when I type, it is completely subconscious to hit the Spacebar after each word. It is a habit now, but it wasn’t always. So, let’s build that habit!
I made a little rocket spacer.

This will make it fun to put a space after each word. Simply place the rocket after said word.

Now you try, Bumby.

And it works.

All these little tricks and tips make homework not only fun but we’re creating habits. This way, she is empowered for when I’m not with her. I mean, isn’t parenting about working ourselves out of a job?? 😞 But alas, in the meantime, I’ll be her biggest cheerleader, her hugest idea-giver, and her helpingest sidekick.