Hold me forever

After a storm, there are always flowers.

I’m amazed by how quickly and kindly Tatum will correct her behavior when it’s not her best. Upon leaving Trader Joe’s today, she had a different idea about getting into her car seat. We had a moment of frustration, and I chose to just be quiet and wait. About five minutes later when we got home, I left her in the car seat while I took in the groceries. As I opened the door to remove her, she looked at me and said, “Mommy I want a hug. Will you please hold me?” I walked in the house clutching Tot, and she then said, “Mommy, hold me forever and ever and don’t let go. I love you.”

MELT. Ok, she has the power to absolutely make my heart sink into a big mushy pillow.

How is it that she continues to get more adorable? I think I love a certain stage, and then BOOM, she enters a new stage of completely fresh awesomeness. I guess this is how God must feel about us. I pray she can know how deeply she is loved and adored. With that knowledge, she’ll move mountains…or at least kill it in Preschool!IMG_2339