Mommy, Daddy, come see my room!
This was the first stage:
Not yet! First, look at the art room.. if you want to draw, you have now access.

Ok, good to know. Back to Tot’s room.

Can I come in too?

Ok, first stop…

If you have to read or go potty, you have access now. What about if you just need a time out?

Maybe you want to play?

or sit down?

Prayer time is another station. I’m going to start there.

She sent us out so she could now update with specific prayers. You see, she has been trying to develop self-control, and she knows this requires some “think before you speak or act” time. She has created some inspiration.
Now, come on in again.

Now for the tour of inspiration and developing self-control. Her relationship with Christ continues to grow.

What does that say?

theme: Help me be kind. Time outs require this prayer and reflection.

Father, thank your for this girl. Thank you for her heart and her desire to please you. She knows her life comes from you and her heart comes from you. She must nurture time with you to develop better habits, responses, and thoughts. Her “daily bread” are her prayers to you, Dear Father.