Oh, those precious ears. While I was in Tatum’s classroom volunteering (reading to some of the challenged readers), she told me her ears really hurt. I didn’t hesitate to take her right to Urgent Care. We don’t have time for her to be sick!

Luckily we caught it in time, but she sure didn’t feel well, so I took her home. She ended up playing most of the day after we did our math facts, reading, and piano.
It was time then to build a fort.
Upon planning and planning on her little think pad, we built. Well, I built, and she directed.

Here, Mommy… right here. No, not there, here..

Those darn pillows were a bit flimsy, I would say, but she pursued.

Then it was time to climb inside because this is why you build a fort!

Her ears miraculously felt better all day after this fort excursion.
My ears, in the meantime, enjoyed listening to her play on the piano.

They also enjoyed listening to her read in the car! This book was over 60 pages and made me laugh.

I’m so blessed that I get to use my ears to listen to my girl everyday.
A gift from God, our ears. Maybe we need to build more forts to keep those ears healthy! Hmmmmm..