We immediately checked the oven.

Empty/ Hollow inside! Like He promised. He IS RISEN!

What a grand start to the morning. What made it even better? Going to Fountain Hills for a hike with my two favorite people. Tatum got all dressed up for Easter, and then just tucked her dress in for the hike. (I dressed like an Easter egg of course).

We started out at the Fountain area

, and then climbed up to the peak.
It was a perfect morning to do this. Started here at the turtle, and this was just the beginning of God’s creation we’d encounter. (hey who’s that handsome dude in the mirror!)

We are ready to find some birds too.

I carried the camera and Tot had the binoculars: ARMED and ready!

We had such spectacular views. What a glorious Resurrection Day.

Who’s looking at you?

Well, definitely the saguaros!

And of course BIRDS! What did we find? I added them to my bird book after I got home. Let’s see:

This little cutie is a VERDIN.

Then we saw a….?

He was kind of hidden but we found him: a Phainopepla! (he looks like a black cardinal). Who knew!

Finally we made the 2.5 mile loop and headed home for our Easter egg hunt, church, and brunch.
Guess who got a bath when we got home, however? He was not quite ready for this:
Now let’s find those eggs. Cooper couldn’t resist looking with Tot.

Oh Look! Haylalleuia coupons inside! This way, she can pick a prize from the treasure box.
She and Daddy found some gifts. After a few robin eggs to munch of course.

It was just about 11am, and SBC was going to start. Now, don’t you love this? They had the choir there!!

Virtually. I LOVE THIS! We sang, praised HIM, prayed, and listened to a remarkable message about the veracity of His resurrection. Also the HOPE we can all have.
Later, it was time for the tremendous brunch. (We all helped!). Daddy got a delicious smoked salmon from Costco.

And of course SUNFLOWERS to adorn the table:

I played a little GOOD MORNING TO YOU (nothing like my nephew can play, but the family enjoyed my mis-notes.

Tatum enjoyed her basket filled with little goodies including something pink to make her smile.
Daddy fixed some plumbing to warm my heart after brunch.
We enjoyed being low key today. I missed having my mom here, but we made the best of it.
Jesus, you are the reason we celebrate today. May we have a resurrection perspective daily. I love you, Jesus, and I love you, family!