We won’t let the rafting incident get us down!! NO! We are bolder now. Ready to go to Boulder by the way! I graduated from CU (University of Colorado) in 1990. I haven’t been back (but only once) since then. I get to return back with my two LOVES! My family!
We started at Chautauqua Park. I used to ride my bike here, hike here, picnic here, drive around these roads….all of this when I was a young gal. It is still more beautiful than ever. Those flatirons!

See them all?

The day was a bit warm for CO, but we still sauntered up the park a bit. Daddy and Tot were awed by the beauty.

It was a busy day there at Chautauqua, but we wanted to take in the view. Tot and I found some dandelions. She couldn’t help it. OK, let’s blow!

I always pictured Tot prancing in a flowery field like a little puppy. Truly this place was made for her.

And Daddy? He’s focused on the view. You can see the city… And CU!

He couldn’t get enough of the flatirons. See this majestic bird flying in the picture?

Time to go, Tot.

Next stop, Flagstaff House. This was a restaurant my mom and Mimi took me to for graduation 30 years ago! It is on the top of the mountain, and it’s so fancy and glorious. We headed up the mountain 6000 ft!

Such great memories of overly pricey fancy dinners with my family.
OK, so now we are headed to the campus! Doug couldn’t believe how beautiful the architecture was. First stop: Kittredge Hall. My first dorm! Papa moved me in August of 1986. Hard to believe! It was the first year of Kittredge being open.

WOW! The beauty and the memories. Me on my bike riding to class was a common occurrence.

Now, I also drove occasionally and I had to tell the story of me hydroplaning down University Blvd. But, first, we had to visit “The Hill” where mom’s sorority still lived. Delta Gamma. My grandma Mimi and my mom both lived there.

And the Sink is still there! The best burgers ever. Mom’s first hickory burger was there in 1956. Mine in 1986!

Instead of eating we decided to go shopping. We headed to the University Memorial Center (UMC) to the bookstore.

We bought a few goodies for Tot and Mama to remember our CU experience. Tot will get her gifts in a couple of days.
Until then, she enjoyed the experience.

My 4 years here were so amazing.
I wanted to show Daddy and Tot my sorority. I lived here with 80 girls my Sophomore and Junior years. I tried to go in, but nobody was there.

It’s such a beautiful house.

Wow…just wow.
I brought them down to Pearl Street and it has not changed much. Street performers, little shops and chocolate! So…I bought Tot and Daddy a treat.
We just went to Wendy’s for lunch which is probably a sin in Boulder because of all the foodie places….but we still like it.
After lunch, I gave Daddy his little chocolate treat and he was a bit……

Now, Tot’s turn. Little love bug…what will you get?


Now, what does the Mommy get for dessert? Wellllllll, since she’s having her tummy issues, it’s…..it’s….

Oh, it’s not funny!

We had a great time, and Tot and Daddy enjoyed seeing my past. The ride home to the hotel we played little games and made the time go by quickly.
That night, our last night, we had fun conversation, lots of chocolate, and a good dinner. Chik-Fil-A of course. We doctor it up a bit, and it taste so good!
Gratitude all around. Here is mine:

I probably missed a ton, but here is a little list of my gratitudes. I love you family. Ready to go home tomorrow.