Coopy, I know you want to come.

We are all packed and ready to head on our adventure.

The 3. 5 hour drive was nothing for Tatum. She had plenty of books, music, and STAR WARS (thank you, Daddy) to keep her busy.

I also bought her a Travel Journal to accompany us. She can document all the excitement as we learn about God’s Creation from the Grand Canyon experience.
But first…ice cream! McDonald’s ice cream is our fav. We love to comparison shop and see what each place charges. Here in Scottsdale, it’s about 59 cents to a dollar. At the G.C, it is the most expensive we would ever encounter. $2.79!!! And it’s so teensy weensy! Still, it’s delicioso!

When we arrived at our hotel, we immediately sought out the workout room and the pool.

On our descend to the pool, this was our view!

Tatum has the world in her hands, but she gives all the credit to our CREATOR!

Tot wrote in her journal later, and we all shared our gratitudes. Tomorrow, we shall see the footprint of God!

We woke up early, worked out, and headed to Starbucks for a treat. The line was out looooong, but it was fun just to not be in a rush.

Now, thanks to Tatum, we had a FREE pass to get in! Since she is in her 4th grade year (next year), the government has a program for 4th graders, a Jr. Parks Ranger program. She gets 2 adults with her to join in FREE ACCESS to any park in the country for this year. That is so cool that the year we decided to go to GC, she happens to be this age. (SO GOD!)

It’s not too busy today! We came the few days before the Memorial Day weekend because we wanted to avoid the crowds.

We headed to the Visitor Center first, and watched an 8-minute video about the history.

The video was very interesting, yet, it gave no reference to the original creation! It did say the land had moved and that there was a big flood. HOWEVER, FROM WHERE? WHO? HOW!? From our amazing Father. Our Creator.

We made sure Tatum understood that piece. OK…off to see the VIEW!
She is ready and going!

We are headed over to the rim.

Approaching the rim, my heart is racing, and I am goosebumped all over. I’m overtaken with awe.

More views.

Let’s head to the lookout!

We decided to drive to the next area, the Bright Angel Trail, and travel down. But first, more AWESOME views. VAST. WIDE. DEEP.

My honey.

WE used our Nikon for these pics.

Just magnificent.
Ok, off to the trail! It’s about 1.5 miles down, so we would go just a bit since we knew going back it would be all uphill!

But first, Tatum met a friend or two.

And this little guy had no fear.

Ok, on with the hike!
On the way down, a few beautiful rock formations.

Let’s keep going!

Just breathtaking!
We are getting tired, however, and it’s hot; we weren’t trying to break any hiking records, so we decided to head back up. But first, Tot took this pic of my honey and me.

We stopped to use the restroom at El Tovar, a beautiful hotel.

And visit the gift shop. Always a must.

We decided to go to the IMAX, and again, we just made it in GOD’S timing! Perfect.

So cool. GC is one of the 7 wonders, and the only one in the USA!

Ahhh…now our ice cream treat, swimming and decompress.
But first, elk, all around us! More of God’s creation.

Tot is sporting a beard.

WE discussed our gratitudes and enjoyed our family. THE BEST EVER.

We headed home the next morning nice and early and saw all the traffic COMING! We timed it just right. Thank you, God for your provision, love, and beauty.