Ministry starts at the home. It’s one thing to be a light and love on others when we are out and about; it’s another to be this way at home.
Such was a Hay Happens meeting on Sunday this week. I wanted to do a family craft, but I wanted it to be intentional and purposeful. I set it all up with our mission statement and verse. ALL READY!

We each got two cards: One for each of us to give to the other.
On the front: What you are grateful for that person. In the inside: An encouragement and a prayer for the week.

After much coloring and thought, we presented them to each other. Tot started. She read mine to me.

I love you, Tot.
Now Daddy’s.

She nails it. I love her heart.
Now, it’s my turn to share Tatum’s. This is her cover….grateful for her!

Then the inside: Encouragement and prayer

Then my HHH.

What does it say inside?

I love you honey.
Now Doug will share Tatum’s first.
Look how cute his drawing is! Tot’s hair turned pink!

And inside:

Now, my HHH will share the one for me, his HHW.

Blue hair? OK!
And inside? WOW.

We all just spoiled each other. Let’s live this this week and pray and encourage each other.
We love you too you sweet little doggie!!