It’s important to match for our weekly meetings, you see. Hay Happens shirts!

Now that we are dressed properly, we can focus on our mission statement.

Daddy then asked us a multiple choice question: Would you like to hear a Bible verse, go on a field trip or conduct a science experiment?
Tot answered correctly: SCIENCE, Daddy!

He talked to us about why we pray. Prayer enlarges our heart and grows our relationship with God. It’s a way we can get closer to Him and a way to grow in LOVE.

We are ready, Daddy, for our experiment. Let’s open the lab now.
He had us write our names on these cups, and then we had a fourth cup for a person who doesn’t not know Jesus (yet!)

Then we added soil and seeds to each cup.

Now, a prayer cup filled with water.

Tatum added water to each cup, but did not add water to the cup for the person who didn’t know Jesus. (and therefore doesn’t pray).

Without prayer, it’s hard to grow. We will watch our cups sprout as time goes on. What a great lesson. The goal here is discussed in 1Thess 5:15. We shall pray without ceasing, but at the same time, rejoicing and thanking God ALWAYS. He grows our hearts as we keep our focus vertically.
I decided to make a BLESSING BOX for our home to make this stick and to remind us to stay focused on our blessings, but also to remember our prayers and see HOW God will answer them.

The yellow cards are for blessings:

Blessings include: our family and family dinners! Tot is grateful for Mommy, Daddy, Mama and Coti.
Prayers are on the orange card.

We’ll keep track of our prayers and write down when they are answered. This is a way to memorialize our blessings and prayers. It’s so important to keep track so we can stay grateful, remembering how GOOD GOD IS. (despite our circumstances).
Thank you, Hay’s, for a great meeting.