The morning was filled with gratitude and a craft. Every year we try to do something artsy in the morning coupled with some type of gratitude. So I thought of a gratitude tree. We got to work and Coopy watched…

Here’s the outline of our tree…

Now we started to share after we colored.
Tot: Us…yes, but let me highlight..Noah, Pikachu, God’s creation… it!

We posted them in our bar area…never forget your gratitudes! We probably missed a bunch, but at least we focused on these.
Later, Tatum played for a bit while Daddy and I got to work in the kitchen. He worked on the turkey, gravy and stuffing, and I did the sides.

And Tatum helped me with the salad! Chopping and dicing. Perfect job, Taties!

We finally were set and ready for our guests, but first, Tot had the timer on for clean up!

Now…..we wait and anticipate!

Daddy …looks so handsome! WOO! A cook and a hot guy! What a combo.

And me…

Austin came first…what a cutie. We enjoyed chatting with him and hearing about the Black Friday potential buys. (I’ll be avoiding these at all costs unless I can do it from my seat at home..HA!) He is doing so well. I pray he can do the GCU electrician program! GO AUSTIN!

Tot and I played Cat and Mouth to pass the time. A basically brainless pinball game but fun!

We just took more fun pics until Rick, Lisa and Mama arrived. Meanwhile the turkey is almost done! WOOHOO! Daddy and Tot. XO

Love you lovebug!
Coopy is looking for a friend.

My Hay team!

I think I hear Rick! No, that is the turkey calling..”I’m COOKED!”

and the gravy! Oh, honey…delish!

Alright, Rick and Lisa showed and we were ready. Still waiting for Mama…OH YEAH! SHE IS HERE! XXOO!!

Thanks Lisa for taking my pic too..

The spread….salad, butternut squash, mashed potatoes, my cauli mash, green beans, stuffing, turkey and…..GRAVY!

What a grateful meal. We opened with a prayer, and Mama and Tot shared a hymn and another prayer. It was perfect… After the pie of course.
Tatum and I always end the evening with reading and Bible. Coopy was O.U.T! Too much excitement for him.

Hi TOT! He loves the wiggling and the loving.

Family blessings. Time together. Gratitude. We all just basked in this tonight. No frills…just simple joy. Thank you family for making it really special.