This year we’d have dinner at the condo. Who would have thought that!? However, it was cozy and quaint. And…we had a special guest! You’ll find out soon.
The day started with us venturing out for a walk outside. We were going to ride our bikes, but alas…it is way too chilly! (Finally!) So, we opted for a bundled up walk.

Three miles later and much ideating (Doug did some dreaming of landscape ideas and I looked at the birdies), we arrived back home for a craft.
Doug says he is not good at these, but I beg to differ.

We centered our turkeys and….oh Coopy. You need some love.

Ok. Focus.

Voila! We wrote our thankfuls on the feathers. Colorful feathers I might add.

The common themes: Family, God, our health, and Coopy. Not to take anything for granted, ever!
The turkey baked, salad chopped, cauliflower potatoes pureed… now, Tot and I worked on some paper craft centerpieces. Ollie and Poky we named them.

And we set the table ready for Mama and AUSTIN!

Before he came, we took some pics. Always gotta take the pics.
Beautiful Mama and daughter. So blessed.

My handsome hubby…Tot you take amazing pics

My turn with the hubster.

Look at this….oh my favorite people.

Ok, time to read Squanto. Tot and I shared the reading. This is the true story of a special Indian who God used to help the Pilgrims here in America.

Austin arrived just in time for our feast!

Tot prayed for our meal, and then we played Thankerchief around the table. You read the poem and wherever the Thankerchief stops, this person says their gratitude. You do this over and over until all have shared.

We shared our gratitudes, and it was so fun to hear Austin say he was grateful for his new job!

We had a nice cozy delicious dinner and pie. After dinner, a game of Snorta to make us laugh.
Soon we’ll be in our new home, but we continue to make special memories in our little condo.
2020 was tough, yes, but we all grew closer this year, and for that, I’m eternally grateful.
I love you family!