We went to church on Saturday so we could go out early Sunday morning to enjoy nature. It did not disappoint!
We decided to head down to our “ocean” and loop around. A beautiful 65 degrees too.

Daddy tried to keep up with Tot and me (teehee), but he did stop to smile with the Tot!

When we got home, I got the brunch ready for Austin and Mama, AND we prepared the egg hunt.
First, we wanted to finish out our Easter blocks and celebrate the resurrection! New life; nee hopes; new foci! I like to think of this day as new beginnings. Tatum wants fewer “hiccups” and more peace. Love that.

Thank you for your sacrifice and our freedom, Jesus. We owe you our lives.
To completely switch gears, we had our Easter egg hunt.

She found them all, but there is still one mystery egg!

Austin and Mama arrived, and boy did she look pretty and he looked so handsome.

Just the daddy and A.

My handsome boys.
And of course my Mama!

I wanted an A pic too!

I heated the quiche and laid out the food. I made a sweet-potato crusted quiche with coconut flour lemon pound cake and strawberries. (with whipped cream OF COURSE)

I think Cooper is waiting for you to share your whipped cream! Austin, where’s you food under all that!?
I think they are all excited to eat!

I absolutely LOVE to spoil my family with food. And this Easter, it meant so much to me to have all of us together. NEW BEGINNINGS.
The girls:

Oh Austin. Austin, we are continuing to pray for you to come back HOME to Jesus. you definitely have grown in wisdom just from making mistakes and learning.
Coopy sure loves you too.

Now, it’s time for the mystery gift. Mama gave Tatum some Easter money toward this gift Tot wanted, so I surprised her with it! I made her a riddle to find it.

Where could it be???
Yes! The “cold walls” of the mini-frig!

And VOILA! The analog watch she wanted. She is still trying to learn about the clock and how it works. So….she asked for this.

What a wonderful glorious Easter with my HAY clan (and my lovely mom).
This day truly embodies so many new HOPES! I love Easter for all that it is. I think of the freedom that we have in Christ and the POWER he gives us to overcome. Thank you for YOUR love, Father and sending HIM to us. His firstfruit resurrection also gives us a guarantee to eternal live secure with you, DADDY! AMEN.