Being a mom. The bestestest job ever!
Tot and I started out with greeting at church on Sunday as usual. We stopped for a pic. LOVE YOU TOO, MY SWEET GIRL!

Then, we came home for mom to come over and enjoy some quiche and morning glory bread.
Mom came with her Derby hat because yesterday was the Kentucky Derby. (more on that in another post!)

Ok, time to eat!

We missed Austin due to him being ill today.
We loved on Mama and my honey loved on me! And then, the Tot!

She made me a Cinquain at school. Look at how fun this is:

Oh, Tot. She said she loves to read and swim with me too! I’ll take it!

I do love you to PIECES!!!
My honey…
He looks so handsome!

SANG to me with the inside: MY BEST FRIEND. (song from Queen)

Your so good to me love!
My favorite people in the whole world…here with me.
Oh, and I can’t forget the Coopyhead.

Thank you for the honor of being your Mommy, Tot.
I love you beyond measure.