Sunday morning. The girls decided to dress alike to make daddy swoon. We headed to church early to greet, but first, he took our picture.

more posing. OK…you stand now!

Lovebug…. we love you Daddy!

And the two of us love each other sooooo much, and the more love to give you! Practicing our kissing!

After greeting at church and singing/worshipping at church, I made my HHH and Tot breakfast. See the little Coopyhead’s eyes? He!
I made Daddy some delicious greek yogurt/protein lemon bars too!

Tatum made him a little foldy thingy

Oh..spoiling the honey today!
Lots of cards! Mugs…plaque.

(Coopy peeking out) HEE!~
Now for the piece de resistance! (the ultimate)> Sit down Daddy. We put a movie together for you!
I put it up on YouTube and played it. Here are some of the pics.

Tot ended with a little finger puppet show

Oh, and let’s not forget the lemon bars. (with whipped cream OF COURSE)

I made them with no sugar and greek yogurt. They were a HIT!

I just basked in our Daddy. WE played “The Father’s Heart” with the movie. We love you Doug Hay!