We woke up to a beautiful golf course view and a reminder of our FATHER. We also celebrate Daddy today. Since we missed Coopy immensely, we headed home early. A big day awaits!
As we drove home, we listened to Jamie, our pastor. His sermon was still on Jonah and running FOR God! We are HIS ambassadors! Let’s act that way.
Arrived! Coopy, here we come.

Reunited and it feels so good!

Now we can focus on Daddy the rest of the day.
However, when we got home, Coopy seemed to have a bit of a boo boo on his foot. So we ended up having to fix his foot up with gauze and have him wear a cone so he wouldn’t mess with it.

Mom, NOT happy about this.
Ok, after getting quite focused, the dinner had to be prepared (Mama was coming over!) and the presents had to get ready!
Daddy looked relaxed and ready for the fun.

Are you excited, Daddy?

OH yes!

And Coopy? We are ready for you to relax too.

Mama arrived, and she had a little goody for Daddy to open.

But first, his card….fresh from her presses.

She worked so hard on this TRUE card!
What about this shirt? Doesn’t he look handsome?

She always has such good taste.
Now, Tot’s turn. She made him all kinds of goodies. First, the book:

A Me and Daddy book.

Me and Daddy fix stuff, launch rockets, build stuff and I LOVE HIM!

The hedgehog even says so!
Daddy, you are the best!

Now, my turn. I made him a book too! All homemade this year for our hero.

(It’s true: now he BUILDS (up), renews (us), serves (many), launches (many fun activities), and delivers (joy)!

Launching us into the future and soaring with…

Christ at the center.
We love you, HHH and Daddy.

We had a lovely chicken, potato and salad dinner. (Thanks to daddy for running to the store!).
Tatum entertained us with some songs after dinner.

Daddy, it’s all for you. You represent our Father in so many ways. Kind-hearted, provider, servant, and leader.
Sedona, Father’s Day, and Family. Perfect.