We woke up to a beautiful full moon and a lovely sky. God’s creation paints such lovely pictures.

What else is a lovely creation of GOD??? the TOT! She is nnnnnnine. Yes, NNNNNINE today.
I had this sign for her when she woke up.

Thanksgiving day, nine years ago,
THIS happened.

And we bonded INSTANTLY.

Well, we made sure today would be special. Tatum had made a birthday crown so she could wear it to church.

Now, what would we do today for her BDAY? Well, Daddy joined us this morning for a workout and Einstein’s. That was a treat! She got a free sandwich for brekkie. Great start to a fun day.
We then got ready for our haircuts today. Brandy always has her doggie, Zero, at the salon, so Tot and I got to love on him.

Then we went to Sugar Bowl. ANY excuse for a hot fudge sundae, right!? I even ate one without worry of tummy issues. Holy Spirit POWER!

We love this booth. Been sitting at this same one for (me at least…45 years!)

And here we are. Joy. PURE joy!
WE like our hot fudge (and sprinkles) on the side. More control over each bite, right!?

Make a wish my love!

And it ended so quickly.

ALLLLL GONE. Till we meet again.

We’ll find another reason soon to enjoy you!
Later that night, we enjoyed presents.

And…the long awaited VTech watch.

Daddy’s card was so FUN!!!!

Later, she’d have to go to practice for WINTER WONDER, SBC’s Christmas show. Tot is Donner and SOOOOO stinking cute!

This was their first dress rehearsal!
We had a nice dinner the other night to celebrate, BTW, but we’ll do another one soon for the “official” bday. I made bbq chicken bowls the other night. I love to experiment!

Anyway, back to the birthday, Daddy took her out for her to pick something out on Tuesday. She chose a LEGO set! I’m so excited she picked this so she can CREATE!

We also went to mom’s. Mom always spoils her with cute clothes.

Such a fun day. We’ll continue the celebration through the week. Thanksgiving is around the corner to celebrate more gratitude.
For today, I’m grateful for you, Tot, and all you bring to our lives. XXOO