Although his real birthday is Monday the 30th, we wanted to maximize the celebration by doing in on Sunday. So, we kind of tricked him and told him we were going to have a Hay Happens meeting at 4:30pm, so wear your shirt! He promptly came out at 4:30 donned in the Hay Happens garb. We did too. (But, we had a dress underneath so we could give him his surprise!)
After our meeting prayer, we retired to the bedroom and told him to close his eyes. Then we ducked down and guess who popped up? Gerald and Piggie!

Yes, welcome to the show!

Hello Douglas! What do you enjoy doing in your free time???? He loves hanging with his family. Love that answer.

Uh oh. Here comes the cameo performer….COOPY, please, show some control.

Now, we are ready for our song. Tatum, could you please sing Happy Birthday for us?

Mommy accompanied her, TADA!

Next, on the agenda is the whirlwind card. Piggie and Gerald, will you introduce? (Hi Tot!)

Tot will read her 30, and Mommy will read her 30. (Why do you think we came up with 60…hint hint)..

And there are many more actually!

He loved the show, and we gave him his present: A pair of Raycon earbuds so he never misses a podcast again!
We love you so much Daddy!