Good morning! It’s Christmas, and the day promises to be filled with joy, family, and delicious food. Jesus, we are so grateful this is your day. The tree exploded! So much giving will be going on today.

Cooper, are you ready? Cooper is always ready for excitement. He gets all the feels from attention.

I decided to make all the brekkie early so we could enjoy being together before Mama came. We also wanted to get some Circle K coffee. A real treat, right!?
Santa pancakes were the plan this morning, and per tradition, Tot would get to open a sock gift before breakfast.

You like Mama and Tot?

Ok, Mama looks so beautiful. I can only hope I’m that gorgeous at 83!
We decided not to wait for Austin, and get started. Tatum opened her sock gift.

Little Olive would keep Coopy company while we enjoy the gifts.
What is to come?

Tatum opened us up with a small box. Inside, she had made these little cardboard pieces which each had a special meaning. It may be a video game, a phone, or a tablet. What will you catch? She threw them individually in the air, and if you catch it, it would be yours forever. I caught a plethora of them; yeah me! She really livened the morning. (I know she put this altogether through the week).

Let’s start with Daddy from Tot.

To inspire the Daddy! Hint hint. He loves to grill so now he can!
Tot next.

My new little chef.

Mama, Tot loves you!

And Tot, I love you. This is our family jumping into life!

Mama has great taste.

Tot, a little pic for your bathroom. Remember to stay humble and kind.

Mama got me the BEST puzzle ever. WORDS!

Tatum spoiled me with an awesome card and bag she made.

Thank you for the ornament, you beautiful sweet thing.

Honey for your to keep your Bible verses!

And for Mama…to keep organized and an ornament from Tot.

more surprises for Tot…go to the garage. Every kid should have a treasure trunk!
And then…. TADA!

What is it!!!???? (Coopy had to know)
I had to try out first! HA~! She will be practicing indoors for a while. It is so fun!!

The Hays Treasure Box: GRATITUDE HOLDER for the year.

The fun had to stop while we caught our breath. Austin and Mama would join for dinner. I took a little walk along our lake to just pray and be for a bit. BEAUTIFUL!!!

We got the dinner all ready, and Mama came bearing lovely gifts.

And she worked so hard on this clock for Doug. Making HAY!

At dinner, I read some fun information about the symbols of Christmas. (About the candy cane, Christmas colors, St. Nick, the wise men). All point to Jesus. May we celebrate HIM.

So we sang Happy Birthday to Jesus.

Just then, Austin came bearing gifts for us. He was gracious and loving. SO wonderful to see him so giving and happy!

He spoiled Tot!

Truly, he was proud that this year he could buy us gifts. We pray for him daily! We love you so, Austin!
What a wonderful Christmas this year. Thank you, Jesus, for your birth today.