They were asked to dress up like a princess. Well, that is not hard for my little cherub. She picked out her dress (from her LOVE day July 9th). And, oh…what a sight to see.

She didn’t have a tiara, but was told when she got there, they’d give her one.
Selah was there early, so they posed.

Then, the princess of the day came: CARLEY!

Carley and Tot have known each other since Ms. V’s class at Paradise For Tots (they were both 4 and in Kinder). They go way back, and we just adore her.
The girls arrived, and they started out at the pink table all princessed out.

Teagan, Sophia, Isabel and Maddy all came too. Tatum looked so darn cute!

I noticed how mature Tatum acted the whole party. She has this way about’s an inner beauty and a kindness that I got to watch behind the scenes. (she didn’t know I was watching her).
Later, they retired to the outdoors for games. A little freeze dance.

And kiss the frog. Tot kissed the grass. (better than a green frog!)

Each game (there were about seven) Tatum would get at the end of the line. I love that about her. Never trying to be first, allowing others to be ahead of her.
How beautiful are these girls? They will be friends for life. I love each of their hearts.

They went in for cake and posed again.

Happy Birthday Carley!

On the way home, Tot played with her braids . Definitely ready for long hair.

Cooper too.

Tot, you are truly a princess inside and out. You don’t need a tiara because you are already HIS girl. That is what makes you so beautiful. Your heart: kind, meek, loving, and strong. All of these fruits will continue to grow and become even more juicy. You just keep being YOU and remember HOW deeply you are loved and adored by HIM and by us.
Thank you, Carley, for lovely memories at your party. Your friendship is a lifetime one.