My honey gave me this card on our date on Wed. night. We were so happy to be out!

It inspired Tatum and me to draw it on her 1/2 birthday.
Look at Tatum’s rendition (on the iPad Procreate)

Her’s is so fun and delightful.
Mine is more like the card, but it sure was fun to draw!

Later, we had to go finish her testing for Dr. Sandstrom. She had to get 5 vials of blood.

I told her she was a rockstar.

The day progressed and she was in for a few surprises to celebrate 7.5 years on this earth.
She got a “virtual pet” so she had a buddy when we have to go on our errands.

Like Trader Joe’s.

She named her turtle Tom. She changes her pet every few hours. It beeps incessantly for reminders.
Daddy got her this cool rocket for them to do together. That will be a BLAST! heehee

Then I got her a Mad Libs book. Remember these!!? We broke it in.

More will come tomorrow for her Love day. She is sure loved!