The morning started with our devotion, prayer, and craft. The Daily Bread today was remarkable. It’s a CRIME to be ungrateful.
“Here it is: Seneca, the great philosopher of ancient Rome (4 bc–ad 65), was once accused by the empress Messalina of adultery. After the Senate sentenced Seneca to death, the emperor Claudius instead exiled him to Corsica, perhaps because he suspected the charge was false. This reprieve may have shaped Seneca’s view of thankfulness when he wrote: “homicides, tyrants, thieves, adulterers, robbers, sacrilegious men, and traitors there always will be, but worse than all these is the crime of ingratitude.”
A contemporary of Seneca’s, the apostle Paul, may have agreed. In Romans 1:21, he wrote that one of the triggers for the downward collapse of humankind was that they refused to give thanks to God. Writing to the church at Colossae, three times Paul challenged his fellow believers in Christ to gratitude. He said we should be “overflowing with thankfulness” (Colossians 2:7 ). As we let God’s peace “rule in [our] hearts,” we’re to respond with thankfulness (3:15). In fact, gratitude ought to characterize our prayers (4:2).
God’s great kindnesses to us remind us of one of life’s great realities. He not only deserves our love and worship, He also deserves our thankful hearts. Everything that’s good in life comes from Him (James 1:17)”. BY: BILL CROWDER
With all we’ve been given in Christ, gratitude should be as natural as breathing. May we respond to God’s gracious gifts by expressing our gratitude to Him.
This prompted us even better to do our craft. We worked off this sheet from Family Life.

I got a stack of notecards and we each filled out ten.

We then each shared our ten. It wasn’t hard to do these; in fact we wanted more time!
Coopy just listened with his grateful ears.

Yes, baby!
My wonderful hubby then hung them up in the dining room.

Here the all are:

After all this fun, I spent the day getting ready for Mama and Austin and our dinner.
Setting the table with gratitude rocks!

And the appetizers are all ready

My honey is now all ready! He spent the day selflessly helping Mama on her fountain!
Doesn’t he look spiffy?

We took a few pics beforehand. My HHH

Tot and Me. SMMOOCH!

Daddy! WE love you!

When A and Mom came, we had a fun game of UNO and some laughs.

We enjoyed having Austin and Mama over for our feast of turkey, gravy, cauliflower mashed, regular mashed, salad, green beans, and stuffing (mom made YUM). Oh, and my crustless sugar free apple pie for daddy!

Blessed. Grateful. Thankful. 2021 WE are so grateful especially for you, Father!