Halloween 2018

Halloween Eve, Tatum insisted on staying up and making a card for everyone in her class.

E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. Did I mention there are 19 kiddos in her class?

Yes mommy. All of them.

Plus Mrs. Holman and Mrs. Gould.

So I gave her some spelling help.

She got through 5 kids and figured she’d wake up early to finish.

Did she??????

The cards did not get finished, but she did give the ones she did to Mrs. Holman and Gould so no kids would get left out.

The day was pretty normal, but the COUGH returned, so we knew we would just visit a few homes, gather some chocolate of course, and head home.

Little Red Riding Hood did not wander off and did not meet a wolf. We just met two dogs and one dog dressed as an owl. Much more safe.

Skittles ended the evening along with much more coughing.