The ringing of the bell. I like to think of my honey’s life like this. He used to have a bell in his backyard.

I even drew it and gave him a poem.
Well, the bell in his life and in our lives has now been ringing loudly as one chorus! We are uniting as a family. So why not go to Bell Rock to climb it to commemorate? Plus, Doug took me to this rock when we first met.

This family….we ring!

Tot and me enjoying the walk headed up.
We met some nice girls who agreed to take our pic.

So symbolic of our lives.
Later, Daddy teased Tot about this fence. Don’t touch like this…Do as I say not do, right? Heehee
…. SO guess what she did?

Copied Daddy and got……

a good laugh.
We headed home then. AAAAHHHH Back to our own beds, our palace, and ….
He nuzzled in my arms on the way home.

I am SOOOOO grateful for my family. For these HAYS. We have bumps, bruises, scabs too. BUT, we have Jesus as our ROCK; we have each other, and our BELL continues to ring. AMEN!