My love needed to adopt a new habit. It’s so easy to pinpoint others’ needs, isn’t it? I’m so very good and finding all the things that can be “fixed” in others. Amazing how we can fix the people around us but can we fix ourselves? (wince)
See this?

When I see this, I see a cool hydration unit that keeps one energized, healthy, and satisfied! Doug, at first, saw something else to carry. However, after 2 weeks, that wonderful husband of mine is attached to it. He comes home and tells me, “I’m on my 3rd one, honey!” I love that he was even open to trying it. SO proud of him.
He makes me feel so special. Just last night, he gave me a card on our date.

He recognizes all the little things. Doesn’t that just make you swoon? Probably not, but it makes me melt. I love serving and loving him. I know everyone else does too! Honeywell just gave him yet another award. He is appreciated, loved, and adored.
I love you baby. You hydrated hunk, you.